Gadgets On Students, Bring Negative or Positive Impact?

the use of gadgets on students in today's era

The use of Gadgets on students, especially nowadays in the era of advanced technology, also brings positive and negative effects.

Although for some people the use of gadgets on students has a negative impact. Not a few people also think that these Gadgets have a positive influence on students.

The presence of Gadgets these days seems to have become one of the main needs for most People, Ranging from Parents, Teenagers, and students.

especially, in the last few years students have been learning online, and gadgets are one of the supporting tools.

When viewed from the advancement of Gadget Technology, it has many impacts on Students, both positive and negative impacts.

This is one of the positive impacts of gadgets for students:

1. Make it easier for students to access information about lessons

2. Increased creativity

3. Expand Student learning materials

Apart from that, the use of Gadgets among Students also causes several negative impacts, one of the negative impacts is :

1. Making children addicted to Gadgets and mobile games.

2. Being lazy to do social activities

3. Disrupts sleep patterns and makes them irregular

4. Lack of interaction with the surrounding environment

5. Making children lazy to learn.

6.  Easy access to porn videos and information that is not in accordance with the law.

The negative impact of Gadgets for Students is also realized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek).

“In my opinion, this is very negative, because this is one of our Dependencies, Children, Parents, and even Teachers on Gadgets,” said Nadiem Makariem during a discussion with the theme of Making an impact as a Tech Generation, at hotel in Malang.

Minister Nadiem Makariem gave advice for Students not to be addicted to playing Gadgets, namely by increasing activities outside the home with Friends, or sports.

If you look at the two effects of Gadgets on Students, we as a Parents are also obliged to accompany and limit the use of Gadgets on Students.

That is the influence of using Gadgets on Students. There are many positive impacts that we can get from playing with Gadgets as long as they are used wisely and appropriately.

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